about me
I am Troy Renaux (I guess pronounced like ren-oh). I'm a freelance and in-house graphic designer living in Greenville, SC. I am 23, like shooting film, and live with my cats——so basically I am just as individual as all the other artists and designers out there.
Pretty much everything valuable I've ever done can be put on one of two thumb-drives. One is labelled "layout design" and the other is labeled "visual identity design". That's right, one EMP attack and it'll be like I never existed at all.
I would say that the thing that binds all my work together is a definite focus on structure and organization in my design. You might not think it from my writing style, but I am actually rather systematic about my work. If you don't believe me, this website exists to (hopefully) prove it.
I'm pretty-much always available for hire if you want something unique. Otherwise Fiverr is a great site LOL ;)
If you want the boring version of my resume, here is a link to my Indeed page.
I will get back to you shortly (unless you are one of those pesky scammers, in which case I have the senses of a arachnid-themed vigilante)